This oral history interview is an intimate conversation between two people, both of whom have generously agreed to share this recording with Oral History Summer School, and with you. Please listen in the spirit with which this was shared.
This interview is hereby made available for research purposes only. For additional uses (radio and other media, music, internet), please inquire about permissions.
All rights are reserved by Oral History Summer School.
Researchers will understand that:
Calvin Lewis interviews Jeff Nagle about his experience of Hudson. Jeff Nagle has passed through town a few times and has now spent a week in town as part of Oral History Summer School. Jeff Nagle lives in Philadelphia and compares the segregation and gentrification of Philadelphia and Hudson. He describes his experience of the concentration of Hudson and of Oral History Summer School, but generally that he hasn't had the opportunity to get a sense of the city yet and struggles to describe his impression. He talks about a few streets he has walked down.
Oral history is an iterative process. In keeping with oral history values of anti-fixity, interviewees will have an opportunity to add, annotate and reflect upon their lives and interviews in perpetuity. Talking back to the archive is a form of “shared authority.”