This oral history interview is an intimate conversation between two people, both of whom have generously agreed to share this recording with Oral History Summer School, and with you. Please listen in the spirit with which this was shared.
This interview is hereby made available for research purposes only. For additional uses (radio and other media, music, internet), please inquire about permissions.
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Researchers will understand that:
Laura Anderson lives in Catskill, NY and has a one year old daughter named Piper. She narrated her life history on June 6, 2013 at Solaris, 360 Warren Street, Hudson, NY. When her daughter was born, Laura saved the placenta and dried it, and developed a ritual of placing a piece of it in all the places she feels like she is from so that she may later tell her daughter about it. Throughout the interview, Laura expressed a strong connection to place, and articulated her passion for working with families and communities to build creative and empowering spaces for children. She grew up in a small town in the mountains and remembers feeling isolated, excited, and stifled as a teenager, and recalls the sense that she had to navigate a lot of lies. She said that her daughter is teaching her to be more present, more patient, and to laugh a lot more, and she hopes to teach Piper to love with an open heart and to have as little fear as possible. She talked about co-parenting and how she and her partner are now challenged to figure out who they are with each other, who they are for each other, and how to deal with anger, resentment, forgiveness, and not having enough time. She wants to work on getting back to herself when she is with him, and to be more joyful and loving in life. She believes conflict can be generative and is grappling with what she calls a grim determination that she feels comes from the women in her family and the ways in which they have struggled. Laura concludes the interview by saying that she would like to ask her mother what brings her joy in life.
LJ Amsterdam is an activist, writer, and dancer. She was born and raised in New York City but loves stealing time outside the city because she can see more sky and is currently living with friends in Millerton, NY. Her background is in ethnomusicology and she has worked on numerous music-centered social justice projects and collaborative ventures with indigenous communities. She organizes with several groups in New York around land liberation, the housing crisis, and foreclosure resistance, and is becoming increasingly involved in making action education media. She passionate about working with young people and storytelling, and hopes to continue facilitating oral histories for the Hudson Area Archive.
This interview is hereby made available for research purposes only. For additional uses (radio and other media, music, internet), please click here to inquire about permissions.
Oral history is an iterative process. In keeping with oral history values of anti-fixity, interviewees will have an opportunity to add, annotate and reflect upon their lives and interviews in perpetuity. Talking back to the archive is a form of “shared authority.”
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